Burning barrels and trash fires are acceptable at your home if you have a Burning Permit.
DNR Burning Permit
Intended primarily for vegetative debris removal, DNR annual burning permits are issued to landowners for burning on the ground and in barrels. These no-cost permits are good for the calendar year and are non-transferable.
Special burning permits and permits for commercial contractors may be issued for larger quantities, all day burning, and broadcast burns exceeding the local maximum size limit. Contact your local DNR Ranger Station—they’ll let you know if you qualify.
Campfires, for warming or cooking purposes, do not require a burning permit and are allowed anytime except during Emergency Burning Restrictions. Burning in a fire ring with the intent to remove debris is not a campfire and therefore a permit is required.
Obtaining a DNR burning permit
- Obtain the annual burning permit online or by calling 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) to have a permit mailed or instantly emailed.
- On the day of the burn, check on the internet or over the phone after 11:00 a.m. for the daily fire restrictions in the county where you wish to burn:
1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876)
(enter the County Code – 11 for Columbia County)
It is your responsibility to know where you are burning and what restrictions apply.